БеоградCore activity:
Technical testing and analysisStatus:
Public Invitation for collection of LoILocation:
СивацCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
Decision MMM - capitalLocation:
БујановацCore activity:
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled ...Status:
Public Invitation for collection of LoILocation:
Банатско ВишњићевоCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
АП/АЛСУ разрешена;Location:
КрагујевацCore activity:
Steam and air conditioning supplyStatus:
Public Invitation for collection of LoILocation:
ОбилићCore activity:
Mining of ligniteStatus:
Public Invitation for collection of LoILocation:
ШтрпцеCore activity:
Other retail sale in non-specialised storesStatus:
Обустављен стечајни поступак;Location:
НишCore activity:
Residential nursing care activitiesStatus:
Public Invitation for collection of LoILocation:
БујановацCore activity:
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectioneryStatus:
Public Invitation for collection of LoICompanies in Privatization
Public invitation
Companies in Control
Companies in the Fund