02. July 2007.

Public invitation for participation in a public tender for the joint sale of 100.00% of the registered socially owned capital of the following companies: Zorka - Holding, Zorka - Obojena and Zorka - Mineralna djubriva

Tender Code: ZOR 16/07

28. June 2007.

Third Correction of the Public Invitation for Participation in the Public Bidding for Purchase of a Part of the Real Estate and Movable Property of the Socially-owned Ent. "Filip Kljajic", Kragujevac, i.e. the Plant for Transport and Warehouse Systems

Sale Code 260707-R-1873

28. June 2007.

Third Correction of the Public Invitation for Participation in the Public Bidding for Purchase of a Part of the Real Estate and Movable Property of the Socially-owned Enterprise "Filip Kljajic", Kragujevac, i.e. THE BIG CHAINS PLANT

Sale Code 260707-R-1872

28. June 2007.

The third correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of a part of the real estate and movable property of socially-owned enterprise "FILIP KLJAJIĆ", KRAGUJEVAC, I.E. SMALL CHAIN PLANT

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole – ...

28. June 2007.

The third correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of a part of the real estate and movable property of socially-owned enterprise "FILIP KLJAJIĆ", Kragujevac, I.E. PLANT FOR MACHINES, TOOLS AND CAR COMPONENTS

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole – ...

25. June 2007.

Public invitation for Participation in Public Bidding for Purchase of Lola Sistem AD Belgrade -371/670

Sale Code: R- 260707- 038

22. June 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.07.2007., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

22. June 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in public auction

In accordance with Article 9, Clause 3 of the Decree on Sale of capital and property by Public auction ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", no. 52/05), Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC AUCTION code 120707-1613p, arranged for ...

21. June 2007.

Amendments no. 1 to the public invitation For participation in the Public Tender for sale the Company: "Novosadska fabrika kabela" Novi Sad, Industrijska bb - in restructuring

Tender Code: NOV 14/07


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund