19. July 2007.

Amendments No. 1 to the public invitation for participation in the public tender for the joint sale of 100% of the registered socially owned capital of the Zorka - Holding ,Zorka - Obojena metalurgija and Zorka - Mineralna djubriva

Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law on Privatization (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 38/2001, 18/2003, and 45/2005), and based on authorization given in Clause 6 of the Public Invitation published in daily newspaper Politika on July 2, 2007 (hereinafter: Public Invitation) ...

16. July 2007.

Privatization Agency Public Invitation For participation in the Public Tender for sale of "Industrija mašina i traktora" a.d. Beograd - in restructuring

Tender Code: IMT:18/07

16. July 2007.

Privatization Agency Public Invitation For participation in the Public Tender for sale of "Industrija motora Rakovica" a.d. - in restructuring

Tender Code: IMR 19/07

11. July 2007.

Solicitation of expressions of interest for a senior legal advisor

The Government of Serbia (hereinafter: the GoS), through Serbia and Montenegro, has received a Grant from European Agency for Reconstruction, administered by the World Bank, to support the privatization, restructuring and bankruptcy of the socially-and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in accordance ...

09. July 2007.

Correction of Public invitation for participation in the public auction

Pursuant to the Article 9, Paragraph 3, of the Decree on the Sale of Capital and Assets by Public Auction ("Official Gazette RS", No. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC AUCTION under the code 120707-1966 for the ...

06. July 2007.

Public Invitation for Participation in Public Bidding for Purchase of the Share of Lola sistem AD Belgrade in Lola fluidomatik DOO Beograd

Sale Code: R-260707–037p

04. July 2007.

Public invitation For participation in the public tender for sale of 96.38% of the total capital in IMK "29 Novembar" A.D. Subotica - in restructuring

Tender Code: 29NOV 17/07

02. July 2007.

Public Invitation for Participation in Public Bidding for Purchase of a Part of the Real Estate and Movable Property of the Lola Sistem Joint-Stock Company Belgrade

Sale Code: R - 260707- 039

02. July 2007.

Public invitation for participation in the public tender for sale of 177,895 shares with CFI Code: ESVUFR, ISIN Number: RSVNCCE93395, with nominal value of RSD 1,000 , owned by the Share Fund, which represents 70.0013% of the total capital of the Company

Tender Code: VEN 15/07


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund