03. December 2008.

Javni poziv za učešće na javnom nadmetanju za kupovinu nepokretnosti: poslovne zgrade u Beogradu, ulica Rajićeva br. 12

Na osnovu Ugovora o punomoćju zaključenog između Holding kompanije za finansijski inženjering, trgovinu i usluge "Fond Ineks – Intereksport" a.d. u restrukturiranju Beograd, kao Nalogodavca i Agencije za privatizaciju kao Punomoćnika Agencija za privatizaciju objavljuje: JAVNI POZIV ZA ...

01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.01.2008., in Beogradu

Limited Laibility Company for transport, mechanization and overhaul MINELTRANSPORT, BELGRADE

01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.01.2008., in Beogradu


01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.01.2008., in Beogradu

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 23.12.2008., in Novi Sad

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.01.2008., in Beogradu

Enterprise for production and sale of polyurethane and furntiture "BLAGOTIN" DOO (ZASTAVA AUTO DELOVI DOO), BELUŠIĆ

01. December 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.01.2008., in Beogradu

Socially-owned enterprise for production of china PORCELAN-ZAJEČAR in restructuring, ZAJEČAR

27. November 2008.

Public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of the stake of the p. e. "Jugoimport-SDPR", Belgrade in the limited liability company "JUTRA" for production, processing and trade, Belgrade

Sale code: 191208-R-3209P

27. November 2008.

Correction of Public Invitation for participation in the Public Auction published in the daily newspapers "Politika" on 27.10.2008.

Auction Code: 121208-2198p


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund