- DP "APOS", Apatin
Initial price: 2.900.000 | Sale price: 2.900.000
Name of the buyer: Branislav Ilić
- DP "CIGLANA", Titel
Initial price: 2.757.000 | Sale price: 3.200.000
Name of the buyer: Drago Drinić
Initial price: 3.026.000 | Sale price: 3.026.000
Name of the buyer: Anka Lončar
- DP "UMETNOST", Bačka Topola
Initial price: 11.930.000 | Sale price: 50.000.000
Name of the buyer: Vladimir Avdalović
Initial price: 1.609.000 | Sale price: 6.900.000
Name of the buyer: AD "MORAVA OSIGURANjE", Beograd
- DP "BIRO 54", Zrenjanin
Initial price: 902.000 | Sale price: 1.000.000
Name of the buyer: Anđelko Bitević
- DP "REMONT", Sremska Motrovica
Initial price: 358.000 |
- DP "ELAN", Čurug
Initial price: 331.000 |
- DP "NAPREDAK", Vrbas
Initial price: 4.421.000 |
- DP "ŽELjEZNIČAR", Subotica
Initial price: 14.947.000 |
- DP "BAČKA", Mali Iđoš
Initial price: 4.992.000 |
- DP "TELEČKA", Kula
Initial price: 7.976.000 |
- DP "BEOČIN", Beočin
Initial price: 550.000 |
- DP "DUGA", Subotica
Initial price: 421.000 |