Pursuant to Article 26 of the Law on Privatization (“Official Gazette of the RoS“ no. 83/14 and 45/15) and Article 5 of the Decree on conditions, procedure and manner of sale of capital and assets by method of public collection of bids with subsequent public bidding (“Official Gazette of RoS“ no. 122/14 and 61/15), Privatization Agency (hereinafter: the Agency) hereby announces:
DP 21. OKTOBAR KRAGUJEVAC, ID no.: 07631600
Property Unit 2 -Toponica
Procedure code: JP 173/15
The Agency hereby invites all domestic physical and legal entities, as well as consortium of legal and/or physical entities interested to participate in privatization of the company DP 21. OKTOBAR Kragujevac, ID no.: 07631600 (hereinafter: Privatization Entity) via model: SALE OF ASSETS of Privatization Entity, Property Unit 2 - Toponica, by method of public collection of bids with subsequent public bidding (hereinafter: Procedure), to submit their applications for the selection of the most favorable bidder (hereinafter: Application).
1. Qualification requirements for participation in the Procedure
Domestic physical and legal entities, as well as consortium of legal and/or physical entities shall have the right to participate in the Procedure.
2. Information about the Privatization Entity
According to the Register of Business Entities kept by the Business Registers Agency, the table below shows basic information about the Privatization Entity.
Business name: |
Društveno preduzeće za proizvodnju i promet autodelova 21. Oktobar, Kragujevac |
ID number: |
07631600 |
Structure of capital: |
Share capital 100% (socially-owned capital 100%) |
Value of capital: |
Registered cash capital USD 21,866,678 Paid-in cash capital USD 21,866,678 as of 30 August 2001 |
3. Description and value of the subject of sale
Subject of sale of the Property Unit 2 - Toponica, consists of movable and immovable assets of Privatization Entity including the following: buildings entered in CL no. 927/1, from no. 1 to no. 4 built without permit, entered into the List of immovables no. 283 CM Toponica, construction land outside of urban area covering the surface of 1hа 59а 56м2, on CL no. 927/1, entered into the List of immovables no. 283, CM Toponica, agricultural land in the area of 34а 67м2, on CL no. 927/2, entered into the List of immovables no. 283, CM Toponica, civil engineering structure and other buildings not recorded in the LI and equipment in the buildings.
According to the certified appraiser’s report, the estimated market value of assets with accompanying facilities as at 31 December 2014 is EUR 608,771.00.
4. Starting price of the subject of sale
Starting price of the subject of sale amounts to 1/3 (one third) of the estimeated value of assets, Property Unit 2 - Toponica, or EUR 202,923.67.
Deposit by the buyer shall be included in the sales price.
Currency of payment shall be Euro (EUR) or dinar (RSD - equivalent calculated at the average exchange rate for the euro by National Bank of Serbia on the payment date).
Declared buyer shall pay the sales price in whole.
Public Invitation