06. December 2007.

Public invitation for participation the Public Tender for sale of 149,624 shares with CFI code: ESVUFR; ISIN number: RSIKARE93713 of the Company "IKARBUS"

Tender Code: IKAR 35/07

06. December 2007.

Public invitation for participation in the Public Tender for sale of 272,249 shares with CFI code: ESVUFR; ISIN number: RSFRACE56002 with nominal value of RSD 600.00 (hereinafter: the Block of Shares) owned by the Share Fund and PIO fund, representing 50

Tender Code: FRA_34/07

03. December 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in a public tender for the sale of 100% of the socially owned capital of Građevinar d.o.o. in restructuring Niš

Tender Code: GRD 30/07

03. December 2007.

The Correction of the Public Invitation in English language for participation in the Public tender for Saobracajno preduzece Lasta AD Beograd

Tender Code: LST 31/07

30. November 2007.

Cancellation of the Public Auction organized for the purpose of sale of the capital of Trade Joint-stock Company "C-MARKET", Belgrade

Auction code: 211207-2161

30. November 2007.

Notice on annulment of the Public auction for "Eko – hrana" Boljevac

Auction sale code 130907-1699p

29. November 2007.

Public Invitation For participation in the Public Tender for "Industrija motora Rakovica" a.d. Beograd- in restructuring

Tender Code: IMR 32/07

27. November 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public Auction

Pursuant to the Article 9, Paragraph 3, of the Decree on the Sale of Capital and Assets by Public Auction ("Official Gazette RS", nos. 52/05 and 91/07), the Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC AUCTION under the code 301107-1365p ...

27. November 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public Auction

Pursuant to the Article 9, Paragraph 3, of the Decree on the Sale of Capital and Assets by Public Auction ("Official Gazette RS", nos. 52/05 and 91/07), the Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC AUCTION under the code 301107-1986 ...


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund