Notice on annulment of the Public auction for "Eko – hrana" Boljevac

30. November 2007.

Auction sale code 130907-1699p

Privatization Agency, in accordance with Clause 3 of the enacting terms of the Decision of the Ministry of economy and regional development of the Republic of Serbia, no: 07-00-233/2007-04 dated 19.11.2007, announces

on annulment of the Public auction

organized for the purpose of sale of capital of the
Društveno preduzeće za proizvodnju, preradu i promet
(Socially-owned enterprise for production, processing and sale)
"Eko – hrana" Boljevac

under Auction sale code 130907-1699p

Pursuant to Article 62, Paragraph 1 of the Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), Article 258, Paragraph 1 and Article 259, Paragraph 1 of the Law on General administrative procedure ("Official Gazette of the FRY", no. 33/97 and 31/01), in procedure under official supervision, the Ministry of economy and regional development has made the Decision, whereby, in the Clause 2 of the enacting terms of the Decision, the Public auction organized for the purpose of sale of 70% of the socially-owned capital of the privatization entity - DP za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju, preradu i promet "Eko-hrana" from Boljevac, held on 13.09.2007, under Auction sale code 130907-1699p, is annuled.

SOE for agricultural production, processing and sale EKO HRANA



Core activity:

Mixed farming


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund