13. August 2003.

Public invitation for participation in a Tender Process for the acquisition of a controlling interest in Veterinarski zavod AD, Zemun

In accordance with Article 28 of the Law on Privatization (as published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos. 38/2001 and 18/2003), the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter the "Agency”) hereby announces a: PUBLIC INVITATION For participation in a ...

12. August 2003.

Signed sale and purchase agreement for privatization of 70% of socially owned capital for enterprise "FRAD” from Aleksinac

The sale and purchase agreement has been signed on 8th August 2003 at 11.30 аm at the premises of the Serbian Privatization Agency , 23 Terazije street, second floor, "Soko Stark " hall for sale of 70% of socially owned capital by public tender for Joint stock company for manufacture of ...

12. August 2003.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on September 18st, 2003, in Beograd

According to the Article 38. of Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 38/2001 and 18/2003), as well as Article 5.of the Decree on Sale of Capital and/or Property by Public Auction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01; 45/02 and 19/03) ...

08. August 2003.

Prihvaćena ponuda grčke kompanije YIOULA GLASSWORKS za privatizaciju SRPSKE FABRIKE STAKLA

In accordance with Article 28 of the Law on Privatization (as published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos. 38/2001 and 18/2003), the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter the "Agency”) hereby announces a: PUBLIC INVITATION For participation in a ...

08. August 2003.

Correction of public announcement for participation in the public auction "BUDUCNOST", PARACIN

According to the Article 5. paragraph 3 of Privatization Law ( , number Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01, 45/02 and 19/03) the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia herby publishes: CORRECTION OF PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT for participation in the public auction ...

05. August 2003.

Notice on amendments of public initiation for participating at public auctions, published in Politika newspaper, on July 30th 2003, 2003.

After comparing the original text with the Public Announcement for Participation in the Public Auction which was published in daily newspaper "Politika" on 30th July 2003, certain fault was found, and therefore we are publishing a Correction of Public Announcement for Participation in the Public ...

PHILIP MORRIS STRATEGIC partner of DIN for 518 million eur BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO strategic partner of DIV
05. August 2003.

PHILIP MORRIS STRATEGIC partner of DIN for 518 million eur BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO strategic partner of DIV

The tender commission for enterprise "Duvanska Industrija” Nis approved the decision of the Privatization Agency for ranking of bids (tender list) and announced Philip Morris Holland B.V for first ranked bidder, Tvornica Duhana Rovinj as second and British American Tobacco (Serbia) Limited as ...

01. August 2003.

Public invitation for participation in a Tender Process for the acquisition of a controlling interest in DP ŠIK Kučevo, Kučevo

In accordance with Article 28 of the Law on Privatization (as published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos. 38/2001 and 18/2003), the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter the "Agency”) hereby announces a: PUBLIC INVITATION For participation in a ...

31. July 2003.

Press release from the public auction held on July 31st, 2003. - Beograd

78th public auction organized by the Privatization Agency was held On July 31th, 2003. - Beograd. Following companies were sold at the auction: AD MIN HOLDING SKRETNICE, Niš Initial price: 8.785.000 | Sale price: 8.785.000 Name of the buyer: "Vossloh Cogifer" AD GORICA, Beograd Initial ...


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund