20. May 2009.

Cancellation of the Public auction under code 290509-3334p

Privatization Agency informs interested individuals and legal entities about cancellation of the Public auction under code 290509-3334p organized for the purpose of sale of capital of the privatization entity, Preduzeće za unutrašnju i spoljnu trgovinu EI "EKSPORT - IMPORT" D.О.О., ...

20. May 2009.

Correction of the public invitation for participation in public auction which was announced in the daily "Politika" on 29.12.2008.

According to Article 9, Paragraph 4 of the Decree on sale of capital and assets by public auction ("Official Gazette RS", no. 52/05, 91/07 and 96/08), Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF THE PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC AUCTION which was announced in the daily ...

20. May 2009.

Cancellation of the Public auction under code 290509-3333p

Privatization Agency informs interested individuals and legal entities about cancellation of the Public auction under code 290509-3333p organized for the purpose of sale of capital of the privatization entity, Preduzeće za informatiku, mikrografiju i inženjering EI INFORMATIKA ...

20. May 2009.

Annulment of the public invitation for participation in public auctions

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Law on Privatization Agency ("Official Gazette RS", no. 38/2001 and 135/2004), and in respect of Article 38 of the Law on privatization ("Official Gazette RS", no. 38/01, 18/03, 45/05 and 123/07) and Article 9 of the Decree on sale of capital and assets by public ...

18. May 2009.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.06.2009., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

15. May 2009.

Amendments of public invitation no. 2 published on February 23, 2009 in the daily newspaper "Politika"

Pursuant to Articles 28, 69 paragraph 3 and 72 of the Law on Privatization (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 38/2001, 18/2003, 45/2005 and 123/2007), Article 9 of the Law on Privatization Agency (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 38/2001 and 135/2004) and Article 9 and 10 ...

15. May 2009.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 29.05.2009., in Belgrade

CONET" D.О.О. (Limited Liability Company), NOVI SAD, TRG MLADENACA 1-3

13. May 2009.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.06.2009., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

11. May 2009.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 11.06.2009., in Belgrade

Preduzeće za ugostiteljstvo, turizam, trgovinu i spoljnu trgovinu (Joint-stock company for tourism, trade and foreign trade) LIPA А.D., NOVI PAZAR


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund