20. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 16.06.2007., in Beograd

Hotel catering trade and tourist enterprise PRAG, BEOGRAD

20. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 31.05.2007., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of the RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 9 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public ...

20. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 31.05.2007., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of the RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 9 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public ...

20. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 31.05.2007., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of the RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 9 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public ...

18. April 2007.

Correction of the public invitation for participation in public auction

Based on Article 9, Clause 3 of the Decree on Sale of capital and property by Public auction ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces CORRECTION OF THE PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC AUCTION with the code 180407-1206p, arranged for the ...

17. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in a public tender for sale of 25% of the total registered capital in JAVNO PREDUZECE "ZAVOD ZA UDZBENIKE"

Tender Code: ZU 09/07

12. April 2007.

Correction of the public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of shares of the KMG "TRUDBENIK" in the building enterprise limited liability company "TRUDBENIK GRADNJA", Belgrade

Sales Code: R – 180407 - 028p

05. April 2007.

Informs the interested individuals and legal entities on cancellation of the Public Auction

Informs the interested individuals and legal entities on cancellation of the Public Auction Under the code 180407-1904 organized for the purpose of sale of the capital, i.e. the assets of Trade Enterprise "INEKS SOKOLICA", Prijepolje . According to the authority from the Article 23, ...

05. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 28.05.2007., in Novi Sad

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund