24. April 2007.

Public Invitation for Participation in the second Public Bidding for Purchase of the Share of the Holding Company in Mixed Ownership - Industry of Viscose Products and Cellulose "Viskoza" Company, Loznica, in the Enterprise "Centrofan", Loznica

Sale code: 310507-R-1838

24. April 2007.

Public Invitation for Participation in the Public Bidding for Purchase of the Share of the Industry of Viscose Products and Cellulose "Viskoza" A.D. in Enterprize "Celvlakno" D.O.O. Loznica

Sale Code: 310507-R-1837

24. April 2007.

Public Invitation for Participation in the Public Bidding for Purchase of the Share of the Industry of Viscose Products and Cellulose "Viskoza" A.D. in Enterprize "Hemiremont" D.O.O. Loznica

Sale Code: 310507-R-1840

24. April 2007.

Public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of a part of assets of the Copper Mine Bor L.L.C, in restructuring i.e.Exploratory works and Diamond Crown "AS SEEN"

Sale Code: 310507-R-1849

23. April 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate and movable property of "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, i.e. property whole – small chain plant as seen

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole – ...

23. April 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate and movable property of "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, i.e. property whole – transport and warehouse system plant as seen

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole – ...

23. April 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate and movable property of "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, i.e. property whole – large chain plant as seen

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole Large ...

23. April 2007.

Correction of public invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate and movable property of "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, i.e. property whole – plant for production of machines, tools and car compone

Pursuant to the Public Invitation for participation in the public bidding for purchase of real estate of Socially-owned enterprise Industry of chains, transport and warehouse systems "Filip Kljajić", in restructuring, from Kragujevac, 49 Dragoslava Srejovića St, that is, the property whole Plant ...

23. April 2007.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 31.05.2007., in Belgrade

The Privatization Agency offers, within joint offer, 70,00% of socially-owned capital of the subject undergoing privatization, which amounts to 67,40% of the entire capital and 100,00% of the share of the Development Fund RS, BELGRADE, which amounts to 3,72% of the entire capital. In total, it is ...


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund