НАЦИОНАЛ / Bones Nacional

НАЦИОНАЛ / Bones Nacional

Full name: Joint stock company for servicing and repair of office equipment NACIONAL AD
Short title: НАЦИОНАЛ / Bones Nacional
Legal status: JSC
Core activity: Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
Identification Number: 07037635
Number of Employees: 18

Equity Fund

Order date Expiration order date Sale place Number of shares accounts Percentage of shares accounts The percentage of realization
30.09.2011 28.12.2011 Акционарски фонд 2000 0.89% 100.00%
07.10.2011 04.01.2012 Акционарски фонд 3000 1.34% 100.00%
03.11.2011 31.01.2012 Акционарски фонд 3000 1.34% 100.00%
15.11.2011 12.02.2012 Акционарски фонд 3000 1.34% 100.00%
29.12.2011 27.03.2012 Акционарски фонд 3000 1.34% 100.00%
08.02.2012 07.05.2012 Акционарски фонд 4000 1.79%
11.12.2012 10.03.2012 Акционарски фонд 1000 0.45% 100.00%
14.12.2012 13.03.2013 Акционарски фонд 1000 0.45% 100.00%
12.08.2013 09.11.2013 Акционарски фонд 3000 1.34% 100.00%
14.08.2013 11.11.2013 Акционарски фонд 3430 1.53% 100.00%


AD Nacional

Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund