22. April 2008.

Public invitation for participation in a public tender of sale of 58,159 shares marked CFI-code: ЕSVUFR, ISIN-no: RSSLVHE94947 nominal value of RSD 1,000 (hereinafter "Block of shares ") owned bу the Share Fund, which represents 69.999398% of

Tender Code: SLO 13/08

22. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.05.2008., in Novi Sad

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

21. April 2008.

The Bankruptcy Administrator of JP "MILAN STEPANOVIC – MATROZ"АD –in bankruptcy, Sremska Mitrovica, announces The sale by public auction of the Bankruptcy Debtor as a legal entity with the foundation rights in "MATROZ KOROHUMUS" DOO

Based on the conclusion of the Commercial Court Sremska Mitrovica, case no. St. 12/07 dated September 27, 2007, and the Decision of the Creditors’ Committee dated April 9, 2008; in line with Articles 109, 110 and 111 of the Law on Bankruptcy Proceedings (Official Gazette of the Republic of ...

16. April 2008.

Public invitation for participation in the public tender for sale of the commercial enterprise "MAJEVICA HOLDING" Joint Stock Company, Backa Palanka

Tender Code: МАЈ 09/08

16. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 23.05.2008., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

16. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in Public Auction process that will take place on 16.05.2008., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

15. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 30.05.2008., in Novi Sad

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette RS", no.: 38/01, 18/03, 45/05 and a23/07), and Article 9 of the Decree оn sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette RS" no. 52/05 and 91/07), the Privatization Agency announces: PUBLIC ...

14. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 16.05.2008., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of RS", no-s. 38/01, 18/03 and 45/05), and Article 5 of the Decree оn Sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency announces: Public Announcement ...

14. April 2008.

Public Invitation for participation in Public Auction process that will take place on 16.05.2008., in Belgrade

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette of the RS", no. 38/01, 18/03, 45/05 and 123/07), and Article 5 of the Decree оn sale of capital and property by public auction ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 52/05 and 91/07), Privatization Agency announces: ...


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund