27. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Beograd

Društveno preduzeće za proizvodnju i promet metalnih konstrukcija, elemenata eksterijera i enterijera i unutrašnje opreme za vozila ZASTAVA TAPACIRNICA, КRAGUJEVAC

24. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Belgrade

EI Holding korporacija, d.o.o. FABRIKA MASINSKIH DELOVA, NISH

24. March 2006.

Impact Assesment of Privatisation in Serbia

Comprehensive study "Impact Assesment of Privatisation in Serbia” was written as a part of the project "Preparation of Companies for Privatisation”, Europaid 116898/D/SV/YU, financed by the EAR. Main goal was to gauge the impact of privatization on companies, sectors, regions, and on the ...

24. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Novi Sad

According to the Article 38. of Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 38/2001 and 18/2003), as well as Article 5.of the Decree on Sale of Capital and/or Property by Public Auction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01; 45/02 and 19/03) ...

24. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Beograde

According to the Article 38. of Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 38/2001 and 18/2003), as well as Article 5.of the Decree on Sale of Capital and/or Property by Public Auction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01; 45/02 and 19/03) ...

20. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Novi Sad

According to the Article 38. of Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 38/2001 and 18/2003), as well as Article 5.of the Decree on Sale of Capital and/or Property by Public Auction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01; 45/02 and 19/03) ...

20. March 2006.

Public Invitation for participation in public auction process that will take place on 26.04.2006, in Novi Sad

According to the Article 38. of Privatization Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", number 38/2001 and 18/2003), as well as Article 5.of the Decree on Sale of Capital and/or Property by Public Auction (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia> > no. 45/01; 45/02 and 19/03) ...

13. March 2006.

Public invitation for participation in the process of public tendering for acquisition of stakes owned by GRUPA ZASTAVA VOZILA AND IVECO S.p.A. in "ZASTAVA KAMIONI” d.o.o. KRAGUJEVAC

Sale Code: ZK 02/06

10. March 2006.

Public invitation for participation in public sale for purchase of a part of the assets of "DUNAV OSIGURANjE" that is Hotel "Metropol", Belgrade

Sale code: HTLM-200406


Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund