Notice on amendments and extension of public invitation
for participation in a Tender Process for the acquisition of a controlling interest in:
Akcionarsko drustvo ”Srbija Turist” Nis
Tender Code: SRT/03
published in the daily newspaper "Politika" and in the Financial Times on January 29, 2003.
for participation in a Tender Process for the acquisition of a controlling interest in:
Akcionarsko drustvo ”Srbija Turist” Nis
Tender Code: SRT/03
published in the daily newspaper "Politika" and in the Financial Times on January 29, 2003.
- Section 4 has been changed to read as follows:
The deadline for submission of the final binding offers by the bidders is extended until April 18, 2003, by 05:00 p.m. (Belgrade time). The PA, upon its sole discretion, reserves the right to change this deadline, if necessary. As a prerequisite for submitting a bid, payment of a deposit in a form of a bid bond in dinars, equivalent to the amount of USD 50,000 (US Dollars fifty thousand) is required, based on the official exchange rate of National Bank Serbia, effective on the day of payment..
- Section 5 has been changed to read as follows:
The PA hereby invites interested tender applicants to submit a written request for the Tender Documents for the Company until March 14, 2003.
All other conditions of the Public invitation for participation in the Tender Process for the acquisition of a capital of the company Srbija-Turist, Niš, published in the daily newspaper ”Politika’’ and in the Financial Times on January 29, 2003 shall remain unchanged.
All communications or inquiries relating to this Invitation should be directed to BAC contact persons below: download