Correction of the public invitation for participation in public auction
which was announced in the daily "Politika" on 24.07.2008.
which was announced in the daily "Politika" on 24.07.2008.
Based on the authority from Public invitation for participation in the public auction which was announced in the daily "Politika" on 24.07.2008, in view of which the auction date and deadline for applying can be, if necessary, changed, Privatization Agency informs interested legal entities and individuals about corrections of date, place ad time of the public auction.
Public invitation for participation in the Public auction, under code 281108-2289p, organized for the purpose of sale of capital of the EI Holding Korporacija Niš, D.O.O. za izradu mehanike EI (Limited Liability Company for production of mechanics) "Čegar", Niš, у делу који се односи на датум, место и време одржавања аукције мења се и гласи:
"Public auction organized for the purpose of sale of capital of the EI Holding Korporacija Niš, D.O.O. za izradu mehanike EI "Čegar", Niš, under code 121208-2289p, will be held on 12.12.2008, at the address: Privatization Agency, Belgrade, Terazije St. 23, 2nd floor, Large Hall, at 11:00.
Registration of the auction participants will be held at the same address on 12.12.2008, from 09:00 to 10:50.
Deadline for purchase of the auction documentation is 03.12.2008, by 16:30.
Deadline for submission of applications is 04.12.2008, by 16:30."