Pursuant to the Article 9 Paragraph 1 Items 7 and 10 of the Law on Privatization Agency ("Official Gazette RS", nos. 38/01 and 135/04) and Articles 19, 19a, 20 and 20a of the Law on Privatization ("Official Gazette RS", nos. 38/01, 18/03, 45/05 and 123/07), referring to the Articles 7 and 9 of the Decree on the procedure and method of restructuring of entities undergoing privatization ("Official Gazette RS ", no. 52/05), the Privatization Agency, on 22.10.2008, makes the following
on changes and amendments to Decision on Restructuring
No. R-223/06-OD dated 16.11.2006
The Decision on Restructuring no. R-223/06-OD dated 16.11.2006, has been changed, so it now reads as follows: