the Privatization Agency announces:
Public Announcement
For participation in the public auction
For participation in the public auction
- Socially-owned holding company SANDŽAKTRANS-UGOSTITELJSTVO 15. MAJ, NOVI PAZAR
- Socially-owned holding company SANDŽAKTRANS, NOVI PAZAR
- Socially-owned holding company SANDŽAKTRANS – PUTNIČKI SAOBRAĆAJ, NOVI PAZAR
Privatization Agency, within the joint offer, offers for sale:
70,00% of the socially-owned capital of the privatization entity – socially-owned Holding company SANDŽAKTRANS-UGOSTITELJSTVO 15. MAJ, NOVI PAZAR, which is 49,00% of the total capital.
70,00% of the socially-owned capital of the privatization entity – socially-owned Holding company SANDŽAKTRANS, NOVI PAZAR, which is 70,00% of the total capital.
70,00% of the socially-owned capital of the privatization entity – socially-owned Holding company SANDŽAKTRANS-PUTNIČKI SAOBRAĆAJ, NOVI PAZAR, which is 49,00% of the total capital.