the Privatization Agency announces:
For participation in the public auction
- Socially-owned printing enterprise SOLIDARNOST, BEOGRAD
- Public newspaper publishing eneterprise NAŠA REČ, LESKOVAC
- Enterprise for projecting, engineering and consulting ETC - PRIKO, VRNjAČKA BANjA
- Socially-owned enterprise for production of socks ZELE VELjKOVIĆ, LESKOVAC
- ANGROPROMET PREHRANA socially-owned enterprise for retail trade and wholesale, POŽAREVAC
- Socially-owned enterprise GAZELA for driver’s training, transport and other services, rent-a-car and copying, with unlimited liability, BEOGRAD
- Joint-stock company for wholesale, retail trade and foreign trade KRISTALEX, BEOGRAD
- Joint-stock company for production of food and trade ISHRANA, ČAČAK
- Newspaper publishing and graphic socially-owned enetrprise SVETLOST, KRAGUJEVAC
- Public newspaper publishing enterprise POBEDA, KRUŠEVAC
- Socially-owned newspaper publishing enterprise NAPRED, VALjEVO