Public invitation for participation in public auction

01. June 2005.

Sale Code: J-300605-002

According to the provision of the Article 126 Paragraph 6 of the Law on Business Companies ("Official Gazette RS" No. 125/04), and according to the Agency Contract I/3 cert. number 220/05, concluded on 16 March 2005 in Belgrade between Public Enterprise "Jugoimport-SDPR", Belgrade, (further in the text: Seller) and the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia (further in the text: Agency), the Privatization Agency announces:

PUBLIC INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC AUCTION FOR PURCHASE OF THE SHARE OF "Jugoimport-SDPR" JP in the enterprise for production and trade of agricultural products
"AGRO-PLUS" Ltd., Bačka Palanka

Sale Code: J-300605-002 download

Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund