for participation in the Tender Process for the sale of 70% of socially owned capital and 70% of state owned capital in the following companies:
- Holding preduzece Industrija hidraulike i pneumatike "Prva Petoletka" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju hidraulickih uredjaja i sistema "PPT – Hidraulika" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju hidraulickih cilindara "PPT – Cilindri" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju hidraulickih servoupravljaca "PPT – Servoupravljaci" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju delova za hidrauliku "PPT – Delovi" AD Novi Pazar;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju kocne tehnike "PPT – Kocna tehnika" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju namenskih proizvoda "PPT – Namenska" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju industrijske pneumatike "PPT – Industrijska pneumatika" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju zaptivki "PPT – Zaptivke" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju armatura "PPT – Armature" AD Aleksandrovac;
- Preduzece za proizvodnju uredjaja i delova "PPT – FUD" AD Brus;
- Preduzece za projektovanje i inzenjering "PPT – Inzenjering" AD Beograd;
- Preduzece za tehnolosko-metalursku obradu "PPT – TMO" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za odrzavanje, remont, proizvodnju i distribuciju energije "PPT – Remont i energetika" AD Trstenik;
- Preduzece za ugostiteljske usluge "PPT – Ishrana" AD Trstenik.
(hereinafter collectively: Entities undergoing privatization)
Tender Code: PPT/04
The PA wishes to inform interested parties on the extension of deadlines from the Public Invitation for participation in a public tender process for the sale of capital of the Entities undergoing privatization, published in "Politika” daily newspaper on December 5th, 2004.
- Deadline to submit a Request for Purchasing Tender Documents in respect of the Entities undergoing privatization has been extended to February 1st 2005.
- All other details of the Public Invitation shall remain unchanged and available online at: www.priv.yu/vesti/pdf/e-tender_PPT-04_jp.pdf
- All communications or inquiries relating to this Extension should be directed to "Factis”, Beograd, the financial advisor appointed by the PA:
Dr Živana Olbina or Dr Nikola Zelić
FACTIS d.o.o.
Džordža Vašingtona 54, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Phone: + 381 11 323 10 55
Fax: + 381 11 323 46 77
E-mail: factis@eunet.yu