Форум-пласман ад, Нови Сад

Форум-пласман ад, Нови Сад
Нови Сад

Decision MMM - capital
Full name: Forum plasman ad Novi Sad company for domestic and foreign trade and services
Short title: Форум-пласман ад, Нови Сад
Legal status: JSC
Core activity: Other retail sale in non-specialised stores
Identification Number: 08136238
Size: Small
Agent: Кнежевић Радмила

Equity Fund

Order date Expiration order date Sale place Number of shares accounts Percentage of shares accounts The percentage of realization
23.11.2016 31.12.2016 Акционарски фонд 4

Companies in Privatization


Public invitation


Companies in Control


Companies in the Fund