БеоградCore activity:
Other building completion and finishingStatus:
Обустављен стечајни поступак;Location:
БеоградCore activity:
Casting of ironStatus:
АЛСУ(Центар за стечај) именована за ...Location:
БеоградCore activity:
Manufacture of toolsStatus:
Испитно рочиште;Location:
БеоградCore activity:
Wholesale of textilesStatus:
Решење о закључењу;Location:
Мала БоснаCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
Успешно уновчење дела имовине;Location:
КрагујевацCore activity:
Закључење над стечајном масом; Завршна ...Location:
НишCore activity:
Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stockStatus:
Успешно уновчење дела имовине;Location:
БеоградCore activity:
Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipmentStatus:
Решење о закључењу;Location:
ПиротCore activity:
Construction of roads and motorwaysStatus:
Допунско испитно рочиште;Companies in Privatization
Public invitation
Companies in Control
Companies in the Fund