ЉубовијаCore activity:
Mediation in trade of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goodsStatus:
АП/АЛСУ разрешена;Location:
ДероњеCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
Обустављен стечајни поступак;Location:
АдаCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
Решење о закључењу;Location:
Бела ПаланкаCore activity:
Raising of dairy cattleStatus:
Неуспешно последње уновчење имовине;Location:
ПлешCore activity:
Growing of other woody, bushy and berry fruitStatus:
Неуспешно последње уновчење имовине;Location:
Рудна ГлаваCore activity:
Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminosae and oil cropsStatus:
АП/АЛСУ разрешена;Companies in Privatization
Public invitation
Companies in Control
Companies in the Fund